Saturday, October 19th | 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Downtown Putnam
Experience all the amazing family-friendly activities as you stroll through downtown Putnam.
Be sure to follow our Facebook Event - we'll post details leading up and the day of the event.
The full-event program to find the location and times for the various activities.
*All events are subject to change and additional events may be added.
Individuals and businesses alike participate in decorating the streets of Putnam with unique scarecrow creations.
Not your average, run-of-the-mill pumpkin - come see THE OFFICIAL GREAT PUMPKINS on the lawn at the Putnam Congregational Church.
Enjoy live music and a variety of performances while strolling the streets of downtown Putnam - with special activities for the kids, as well!
Throughout the day, be sure to take the opportunity to discover the many wonderful shops and
galleries of Putnam.
With an option for every mood, dinner and drink specials will be available at select local restaurants.
Call ahead for a reservation!